UI Documentation
Screen layout
(Show an image labelling the Overview/Detail View/Menu bar/Context Panel/Search Box areas)
Menu Items
- File
- Open Choose a tree to view
- Get Image Generate a PNG image of the current view
- Export to SVG Generate an SVG image of the current view
- View
- Layout
- Rectangular (diagram of a rectangular layout)
- Circular (diagram of a circular layout)
- Style
- Import tree styling Apply coloring/sizing rules to the tree. (link to styling json API page)
- Toggle Context Panel Show/hide the context panel (link to context panel section)
- Layout
- Displays the entire tree, highlighting the area currently visible in the detail view.
- Hovering the mouse over a node in the overview highlights it. Clicking the node zooms the detail view to show that node's subtree.
Detail View
- Initially shows the entire tree, with the root node on the left and leaf nodes on the right.
- Where space allows, leaf nodes are labelled on their right. When two or more labels will overlap, only one label is shown.
- Subtrees that are too large to draw are collapsed into a triangle. The triangle is labelled with the name of one of the subtree's leaf nodes.
Navigation Mode
- Use navigation mode to browse the tree.
- Press N to enter navigation mode. When the mouse cursor is (cross-arrow image), the viewer is in navigation mode.
- Click and hold the left mouse button to pan the view.
- Rectangular layout only pans vertically.
- Mousewheel up/down zooms in/out.
- Rectangular layout only zooms vertically.
- Double-click on a node to zoom the view to fit that node's subtree.
- In the rectangular layout, click and drag left to expand the view to show the clicked node's parent's subtree. (I.e. to zoom back out one level.)
- (image or gif here to demo the click-and-drag gesture)
- In the rectangular layout, click and drag left to expand the view to show the clicked node's parent's subtree. (I.e. to zoom back out one level.)
- Press the space bar to zoom the view to fit the entire tree.
Selection Mode
- Use selection mode to pick which nodes are displayed in the Context Panel (link to context panel section).
- Press S to enter selection mode. When the mouse cursor is (normal pointer image), the viewer is in navigation mode.
- Click a node to select it. Selected nodes are highlighted.
- Click and drag to select all of the nodes in an area. The selection area will be highlighted.
- Hold Shift and click to select all of the nodes in a subtree.
- Hold Ctrl and click to add a node to the current selection. (Similarly, you can hold Ctrl+Shift to add a subtree to the current selection, or hold Ctrl and drag to add all of the nodes in an area to the current selection.)
- (TODO document Alt-click here. Seems not to be working properly right now. Should select subtree containing all selected nodes.)
Context Panel
- Use the context panel to view information about selected nodes and to edit how they are displayed.
- Select nodes in the Detail View in Selection Mode (link to selection mode section)
Search Box
- Use the search box to find nodes by name.
- Begin typing the name of a node and matching names will be shown in a pop-up box above the search box. Click a name to zoom in on that node.