


Rick Mccourt, Brent Mishler, Martin Wojciechowski, Steve Mock, Praveen Nuthulapati, Matt Hanlon, Jerry Lu, Natalie Henriques, Michael Gonzales


  • Updates on current status of project
    • project name
    • domain name
    • server
    • group mailing list
  • Development on drupal project started (Mock, Hanlon, Praveen)
    • requirements analysis of needed modules for base functionality
    • defining permissions and security needs for the site
    • developing a module to provide the hierarchical, tree-structured network of clade nodes for the social network
    • base functionality assumptions at each clade:
      • forum/message board for discussions, information sharing
      • image & document library
      • a "feed" at each clade that provides status on what's happening in subclades
      • membership management at clade level
    • site-wide functionality
      • browse the clades/information
      • search for information
    • additional functionality can be added as needed
  • what we need to move forward: (Mock, Hanlon, Praveen Jerry)
    • core / starter clade data; a beginning set of clades and their relationships to seed the site with beginning data. Additional clades can be added ad hoc by members of the site. The hierarchy of the clades can also be changed as necessary
    • theme information for the site
      • images, colors, banners, header/footer for the site
    • match up with iplantcollaborative.org?
      • "legal" stuff; what do we need to have somewhere on the site? "Funded in part by..." etc.
  • assuming that we get the above promptly, we should be able to have a demo site up by end of April
    • site will have some very basic functionality
      • "sign up" page to begin gathering interested folks and emails
      • a development timeline / blog with information on where myplant is going and the expected launch date(s)
      • "pretty" enough that people do sign up
  • Open Discussion

Action Items
