


  • EOT/Phylogenetics workflow
  • Introducing BIEN-iPTOL
  • TE update
  • TR update


Attendees: John Cazes, Pam Soltis, Doug Soltis, Nicole Hopkins, Steve Goff, Jerry Lu, Stephen Smith, Sheldon McKay, Natalie Henriques

  • TNRS – new version is scheduled to be released by the end of April
  • RAXML – John has been in contact with Alexis. We are still running the big tree case, we are trying to get to the end but there has been ten restarts, so the runs have been interrupted.
  • CIPRES – Dan and Steve have reviewed the statement of work. The request for a sub contract is being process at the University of Arizona. It is the roughly the equivalent of 1 FTE. Some of the benefits are that CIPRES already has a user community, there will be prominent iPlant brand associated with CIPRES and we can use their developers to work on the front end and we work on the back end.
  • DE Tool Integration Tool (TITO) – Ann, Matt, Naim, and Martha have prioritized a list of tools that span across the grand challenges. Up to twenty-five new tools should be integrated in DE before the July release.
  • EOT Workshop – Need to have complete workflows to train on. Phylogenetic workflow high priority to have for the workshops starting in June. Martha is taking the lead on this.
  • My-Plant – the My-plant team is testing a new version of the site, their plan is to switch to this new version by the end of April. The new site has new functions and features, also posting and navigation are now easier.
  • Gene Name Resolution Service – this idea is worth considering. ACTION ITEM: Sheldon will initiate the discussion on how to develop it; the conversation should include G2P folks.
  • Standardized iPlant PR slides – Sheldon suggested having a standardized set of slides that covers the iPlant project in a consistent way, so that anyone giving a presentation will have that information. EOT have a lot of slides and there are also slides archived on the wiki.