

Data Assembly meeting

Action items from October 5

  • Sheldon will follow up on RSVPs on Friday, October 9.
  • Sheldon will set up a meeting page on the wiki.
    link to meeting page...
  • Pam and Doug will work on web site content.
  • Steven Smith, Casey Dunn, Erika Edward and Bill Piel will be invited


  • Sheldon McKay sends regrets but has a conflicting obligation today.
  • Pending availablity, Bill Piel will start attending data assembly meetings on behalf of the data integration group.
  • Current status of meeting RSVPs
    • What needs to be done to improve response rate?
  • Meeting web site content should be posted as soon as possible

    Workshop Agenda
    Key points to be addressed in the agenda (from the iPLant perspective) are to address issues such as:

    1. How will the data be handled?
    2. What is the timeline for integrating the data into the big tree analysis?
    3. Is there just going to be one iteration of the tree (when all of the data comes in) or will there be multiple iterations (perpetually updating alignment/tree)?
    4. Data acquisition/integration infrastructure.
  • Need to document key milestones and time-line for this working group


Attendees: Doug Soltis, Pam Soltis, Bill Piel, Casey Dunn, Liya Wang, Michael Gonzales, Natalie Henriques, Nirav Merchant

Status Update of Nov. 21-22 Meeting

  • There was a concern about the response rate for the meeting and the steps involved with responding, so Pam sent an email to the those invited asking for a Yes/No response. The responses received so far are - 33 Yes, 11 No and 9 outstanding. Another email has been sent to those outstanding and she is awaiting the responses.
  • There may be areas that are not filled in or represented as much as we would like, for example from the fern and bryophyte areas. Consider looking for additional people to invite from those areas.
  • Other people who would like to be involved – Karen Cranston, she is from the analytical side but attended a previous workshop; Eric Carpenter from the 1KP project; Andy Jones post-doc student
  • RSVP response rate improved greatly after switching to a simple yes or no question email.
  • We don’t want the meeting to exceed 60 people, including the 10 iPlant people who will also attend.
  • We are tracking well for this meeting.
  • ACTION: Dough/Pam to collect final list of attendees and line up final list of speakers.

Travel/Logistic Questions

  • How will attendees be reimbursed? Who is doing it on the Phoenix end?
  • Attendees can make travel reservations themselves and Tina will handle the reimbursements at the Phoenix end. If they are travelling internationally they will need to provide her with a copy of their visa and passport. When the RSVP list is final Tina will also handle the hotel reservations and will send the information at least a week prior to the event. She will also handle the meals and will need to know any dietary restrictions etc.
  • How will workshop participants be contacted going forward? Don’t want Pam and Doug to get bogged down with the administrative/logistic planning.
  • ACTION: Nirav to make sure Doug and Pam have necessary administrative support for meeting logistics/tactical items.

Workshop Agenda

  • There is a draft agenda but there is a concern about the ending time on Sunday. The topics are lined up but still trying to decide how full to make Saturday and Sunday. There are not many flights out of the area on Sunday evening which might require a Sunday night stay for some participants.
  • Pam and Doug will work on the final agenda tonight; it will also include a couple paragraphs about the workshop.
  • Michael G suggested that a full and meaningful agenda be developed with less concern about the travel times.
  • The website for this workshop is on the wiki but still requires additional information. Pam and Doug will send the content needed. Once completed the link will be sent to the participants.
  • ACTION: Doug/Pam to send out agenda to Michael/Sheldon for posing on wiki
  • ACTION: Tina?? to send out email to all RSVPs with final meeting agenda, website, travel, accommodations information

Documenting Key Milestones and time-line for this working group

  • Michael G – what do we want to come out of this meeting? The meeting is the key deliverable but we need to think about in specific terms what we want to come out of it.
  • Some of the meeting goals are:
    o Community Involvement – sharing sequencing
    o Get data – grants have to be written; get people starting to interact to spearhead grant proposals 300,000 – 400,000 plant species
    o For the people collecting the data to see the rest of the story, seeing the iPlant side
    o Morphology discussion section – how best to acquire the data
    o For Pam and Doug to inform us what their needs are to make this happen on a greater scale. What are their future needs? How the community contributes the data? How to make it easy for people to contribute and still keep a level of ownership.

General Discussion Topics

  • Version control
  • Assembly of data sets to build trees geared towards snapshot builds.
  • Perpetual tree generation in last workshop