Natalie Henriques James Estill tjv
- Documents page at
- Status of database (Jamie)
- Status of ontology manuscript (Jamie)
- Regarding ms in general .. do we want a shared dropbox account or is there a similar system at iPlant that would be better
- Status of Phyldog and 6-taxon analysis (Jamie)
- Table of available installed software (@ UGA) and working notes on methods - TableX_TRSoftwareOverview.docx
- Integrating Multiple Reconciliation Support to Viewer (Jamie/Naim)
- It would be good for Jamie to be in touch with someone specific @ iPlant to coordinate support for this
- Jamie would like a goal of having this integreated by at least the end of December to support showing outcomes of 6-taxon analysis
- Status of benchmarking on TACC (Naim)
- Status of 1KP analysis (Jim)
- Upcoming iPlant milestones (Naim)
- Use of TR in iPlant outreach (Naim)