iPTOL Data Assembly Workshop
Nov. 20-22, 2009, Hilton Phoenix Airport
Nov. 20
Arrive at Hilton Phoenix Airport
Nov. 21
7:00 Breakfast Buffet in Ballroom 2 & 3 Foyer
8:30 Intro to iPlant – STEVE GOFF
8:45 Intro to iPTOL – MIKE SANDERSON (with input from WG leads)
9:00 Goals of Workshop: emphasis on DATA ASSEMBLY: PAM SOLTIS
9:15 Access to data: current pipelines – GORDON BURLEIGH, STEPHEN SMITH
9:35 Big-tree analysis: state-of-the-art – ALEXIS STAMATAKIS
9:50 Tree databasing and trees as data
a. TreeBase II – BILL PIEL
b. Glomograms and super-trees – MICHAEL DONOGHUE
10:10 Integrating data: TOLKIN as a model – NICO CELLINESE
10:25 Break in Ballroom 2 & 3 Foyer
10:45 Cyberinfrastructure needs: Break-out groups
pipelines, analysis, databasing, integrating data:
emphasis on DATA ASSEMBLY
12:15 Lunch Buffet in Queen Palm Courtyard
1:30 Reconvene: reports from break-out groups
2:15 Assembling data: overview – DOUG SOLTIS
Break-out groups:
(1) Molecular data for 500,000 green plants
a. Role of genes common to all (rbcL, rDNA, etc.)
b. Role of genomic/transcriptomic data
c. Patchiness of matrix/missing data problems
d. Alignment
e. Other
(2) Morphology (and other non-DNA sequence characters)
a. Uses: inclusion in matrix, ancestral state reconstruction, fossils,
b. Which characters?
c. Ontologies (brief discussion; see below)
d. Other (ecology, biogeography)
3:30 Break in Ballroom 2 & 3 Foyer
4:00 Education, Outreach, Training – SHELDON MCKAY
(2) Report from St. Louis Genomics and Education meeting – MARTHA NARRO
(3) Discussion of additional outreach ideas related to the Green Plant Tree of Life (movie? Cyberinfrastructure for integrated research and teaching? CI for sharing teaching materials?)
5:00 Recap and plan for Sunday – SOLTI & DONOGHUE