

  1. Phyldog (Cecile)
    Cecile reports that Bastien Boussau is interested in some form of collaboration and might be willing to share the code so that Phyldog can be included in the method comparison. The first step is to estimate the performance of the code on the 6 species dataset so that we can run it on the whole dataset.
  2. Database performance improvements (Ray) ?
    Ray is taking part in a summer school and won't be available before August 15. In the meantime, the short term solution to improve the database performance is to precompute the summary tables. Jamie will take care of that.
  3. Development milestones for release (Naim)
    1. Is this spreadsheet being kept current, or is there another place to monitor priorities and progress?
      No, progress is monitored in Jira. Naim will post a status update for the next meeting.
  4. Documentation status
    1. draft release notes
    2. draft DE manual
      Todd will review the current documentation and coordinate with Matthew Helmke and the other members of the group.
  5. GSoC update (Jamie/Daniel)
    1. documentation here ?
      Daniel has written the parser to process nexml files that contain reconciliation information. The next step is to focus on data interoperability. Todd, Jamie and Daniel to discuss details of further work.
  6. Progress report
    Sheldon has run all the families for the 6 species through PrimeGSR and is now working on scaling up to HPC. Sheldon to send 6 species results to Jamie to be imported into the DB.