phlawd installation notes

The documentation from the author can be found at It matters in terms of which packages intalled first, which installed second. So it is a good practice to follow the order of packages got installed as is documented

1. check out PHLAWD package using svn

svn checkout phlawd

  All the dependent libraies and tools are included in phlawd/deps/ except for sqlite.

  there are tar balls for

  • bpp packages (6 of them)
  • sqlitewrapped
  • quicktree
  • phyutility
  • muscale
  • mafft

2. install bpp* packages included in phlawd/deps/, following instructions in

  There are 6 bpp* packages, pay attention to the following instructions "unarchive each directory, then in this order bpp-utils, bpp-numcalc, bpp-seq, bpp-phyl, bpp-popgen, (bpp-raa, not essential)", run the commands in each of the six bpp directories.

    Without sudo permission such as on range, you need to load the right enviroment, I install the packages in my $HOME

module load
make install

3. Install sqlite- on your system (I did the installation as root)

  For CenOs, I did yum search to identify the right packages for my system and used yum install

    yum search sqlite        
    yum intall sqlite.x86_64   
    yum install sqlite-devel.x86_64   
    yum install sqlite-devel.i386 (this may not be necessary)

Without sudo, you could intall it in your home directory, compile from source

  tar -zxvf sqlite-amalgamation-3.7.2.tar.gz
  ./configure --prefix=/share/home/01458/weix/sqlite3
  make install

4. untar sqlitewrapped, and following instructions on, rebuild,

 cd phlawd/deps/sqlitewrapped-1.3.1
 vi Makefile (update include path and other path to $HOME)
 make clean
 make libsqlitewrapped.a
 make libsqlitewrapped.h   

 #This should clean the library in there and make the new one. Then simply
 cp libsqlitewrapped.h ../../
 # this put a new copy of libsqlitewrapped.h in phlawd/

 cp libsqlitewrapped.a ../linux/
 # this replace the libsqlitewrapped.a in the deps/linux

5. In phlawd/ directory, use make to create PHLAWD binary, move both PHLAWD executible (phlawd/PHLAWD) and the sequence comparison scoring matrix file (phlawd/EDNAFULL) to your default path such as /usr/loca/bin/
6. Install other programes following instructions in

    they are

  Again, their souce code can be found in phlawd/deps/, it is straight forward to untar and make them and move them to the default path such as /usr/local/bin

  The only extra things you need to do are for phyutility, you need to modify the script to reflect the real path of the .jar file, for example, I put the phyutility.jar in /usr/local/share/phyutility/phyutility.jar

  I need to modify the /usr/local/bin/phyutility to look like

    [root@votan phyutility]# less /usr/local/bin/phyutility
   java -Xmx1g -jar /usr/local/share/phyutility/phyutility.jar $@

7. You could test your installation with PHLAWD and you would get something like

[weix@votan ~]$ PHLAWD
you need more arguments.
usage: PHLAWD task configfile
possible tasks include:
    assemble -- includes assembling and profiling
    justprofile -- just profiles (assumes you have assembled)
    justassemble -- just assembles (assumes you will profile with justprofile
    changenames -- changes from ncbi numbers to names for a file (newick, fasta, newick, phylip)

8. create sqlite database from genbank download

The codes are in phlawd/create_database/, to run it you need

  • python 2 installed with with standard libaries such as sqlite3
  • Biopython
  • I found python complains about all the print statements without parenthesis (), such as print "create database" (need to change to print ("create database"))