


  1. Updates from Kris, Adam
  2. Discussion of TR needs
  3. Updates on items from last week's meeting:
    • Set up a proper iPlant project on the server so we can make and record updates
    • Set up TV in Jira
    • Need to set up conversations with Core Software and Rion Dooley
    • Sheldon will facilitate conversations between the groups and would like Tree Viz members to sit in on the incubator project meetings
    • Metadata documents will be put in the developer notes section of the wiki
    • Need to get a semi stable version of the viewer out to the working group


Attendees: Adam, Eric, Karen, Bernice, Kris, Naim, Sheldon, Michael

  • Sheldon will use the current version of the viewer for a demo at NIMBio conference
  • Bernice discussed requirements with Nicole in the Core Software group
  • CS is working on the first stage release for the TR group, the will need the TV to visualize. The goal is to replace those viz with our Tree Viewer. There are certain requirements that are needed.
  • We will use our existing Jira page to track the project and will figure out at a later date how tasks (who will do what) will be divided. https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/jira/browse/BTV
  • The TV group needs to be kept in the loop about the wish list from other working groups so we can add it to our requirements list and to the Jira page.
  • We will devote a meeting to going through the list of priorities

Developer Updates (Kris, Adam)

  • Added a search feature on the demo site, please take a look and let us know any comments or feedback.
  • File menu – can export and image, png format.