Action items from previous meeting
- ACTION: Ann will work on more detailed needs analysis and provide back to the group
- ACTION: engagement team and TR will work on defining the initial deliverable and how to generate better/more useful user stories
- ACTION: Sheldon to post link to key wiki sites
- ACTION: Sheldon will provide link to the wiki
- Todd suggested putting together a mock up of navigation/visualization capabilities to demo to the larger community
- ACTION: Sheldon will follow up with an email on what will be needed to outline the demo
- ACTION: Todd to get Cecile Ane a job description
- ACTION: Sheldon will provide info about software evaluations
- Overview of current iPToL near term development roadmap
- Summary of previous software evals (Sheldon)
- Software evaluations for the tree reconciliation working group are here
- Discussion of initial deliverable
- We need to define a deliverable to frame the needs assessment on.
- Species/gene tree reconciliation service. Others?
- Discussion of suggested prototype service
- 1KP meeting updates
Sheldon McKay, Todd Vision, Jerry Lu, Jim Leebens-Mack, Cecile Ane, Adam Kubach, Michael Gonzales, Bill Piel, John Bauer, Natalie Henriques
- Define deliverable on which to frame requirement analysis. Need to find a high level deliverable to start the process.
- Core Software is working on the iPTol software development plan. Three projects have been defined: Seedling – foundation web application/discovery environment on which all various functions will be build upon; Sapling – Integration of contrast program service; Grove – additional collaborative capability, user accounts, sharing capabilities, uploading confidential data, etc. The intention is not to support completely proprietary work.
- Iteration 0 discussion - Adding requirements would likely delay iteration 0 beyond current plan for release in January.
- DISCUSSION: what would we want in a prototype for November? Upload gene tree or species tree, have some way to combine both. User upload data is definitely being worked on.
- Without tree infrastructure we cannot do gene application at all.
- Working on internal data model
- (Todd) The engagement team is working on infrastructure, navigation and output. (Sheldon) We need to make a firm decision in our next meeting (Action?)
- (Bill Piel) Send tree to reconciliation service, prompt user for taxonomic data.
- ACTION (Sheldon/Todd): In the current schedule is the seedling group considering these issues? What information is necessary when people upload trees? Gene names with species name? We need to consider it and articulate the needs to the developer.
- ACTION (Sheldon/Todd): Need a working mock up of navigation and output of reconciliation analysis. We are skipping over navigation, how users select and visualize. Communicate in a graphic way what we want to do.
- ACTION (Sheldon) High level software evaluation – integrating vis tools
- ACTION (Sheldon/Michael): Links to the wiki are obscure, hard to find and split between the iPToL page and the Core Software page. Set up another tree or a separate site of interest page
- ACTION (Michael): Evaluate current access levels on wiki, work with iPlant group to consider setting accounts and having password protected pages.
- ACTION (Michael): Ensure that the personal information for team members is not present on the public website.
- ACTION (Sheldon?): Evaluate if Adobe Connect is easier for managing the teleconferences; it is similar to WebX for broadcasting information during meetings.
- ACTION (Michael): There is a meeting time conflict for two team members, an email will be sent checking availability for a meeting time change to Monday mornings.
- ACTION (Michael): Review working group email list, revise membership, post membership on the wiki