
Action items from previous meeting

  • Crimson website and information, where is it located? Still cannot be found. Michael will follow up with Sheldon and Jerry to see what needs to come of the information
  • Seek out use cases you may have in mind now and email them to Jerry and Sheldon. They will put them together and pass it on to other groups. A wiki page will be created.


  • Review action items from previous meeting
  • Jerry will report the status of name resolution service.
  • Open discussion
  • Tactical items


Attendees: Val Tannen, Bill Piel, Jerry Lu , Matt Piackard, Michael Gonzales, Natalie Henriques

  • Jerry - downloaded Crimson, tested it and created a wiki page https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/wiki/display/iptol/Crimson
  • Bill discussed an early name-resolution service prototype that will accept as input NeXML trees and will attach meta-data to the trees that provide taxon information, alternative nomenclature, etc. (obtained from existing name resolution services) and return the NeXML back to the requestor. The demo prototype idea is working. Need to get interest from other groups as a solution and not have them reinvent the wheel.
  • Michael – We need to begin working on a project charter in earnest. What is out there to date, and what we hope to put in place. We need to move into a more active development phase instead of a general discussion.
  • Val – What issues are the other groups concerned about? We knew Taxonomic Intelligence would be one so we have clearly defined the issue and began working on it but we need to know what else they are concerned about.
    1. The Data needs of the other groups. We have been waiting for other groups to define their user requirements, but there may enough there in other groups such as Tree Evolution and Tree Reconciliation.
    2. Would like Jerry to coordinate with the other working groups their user requirements taking a look form DI’s perspective, what other data these applications will they need?
    3. A short term objective would be building an overall coherent set of user requirements. Have a way for everybody to look at user requirements as a whole.
  • Michael – Steps we can take for this working group:
  • ACTION: Put together a summary of the different working groups, where they are, data type, what they are working on, the real nuts and bolt issues. Have this done by the next meeting and added to the agenda for discussion. (Michael & Jerry)
  • ACTION: Work on the project charter, expand it beyond the boiler plate plan on the wiki. Start setting timelines and deliverables.
  • ACTION: Plan a face to face meeting for the DI group in the new year.(Michael)
  • ACTION: Val will send an email to Michael with questions that he needs answered. (Val)