MyPlant Reboot Strategy

MyPlant Reboot Strategy

This document describes ideas to reboot/refresh the My-Plant.org community.   The majority of the items listed below are already supported by the current software infrastructure of iPlant.  The majority of the work is in design and configuration of these options.

  1. Add a more complete News & Events section
    1. Leverage iPlant resources for more content
    2. Let the My-Plant community become the place where happenings in iPlant are discussed further by the community
  2. Add a section for Jobs/Grants/Fellowship opportunities
  3. Clade group changes
    1. Add two levels of groups
      1. “clade” groups which follow the phylogenetic tree organization
      2. other groups, which are arbitrary interest groups
    2. Allow users to freely (within reason) create groups
      1. can then request that a group become a "clade" group if necessary
      2. will need some oversight of the groups that are being created, administrative notifications or something
      3. we may just want to limit the number of groups a user can create (with out administrative permission) so that a "rouge" user doesn't go off and create hundreds of groups.
    3. Allow group owners to create arbitrary group connections
    4. Add privacy settings groups
      1. membership restrictions
      2. limit sharing of data to within the group
  4. add site admins to edit content, group creation
    1. needs funding
  5. Refresh the front page/menu structure to reflect the changes, and highlight more sections of the site
    1. News
    2. Jobs/Grants
    3. Community
    4. Etc.
  6. Update the User Profiles to be more "professional"; more of an "iPlant CV"
    1. Allow users to add publications to their profile
    2. professional assocations/honors
    3. funding/grants obtained
    4. etc.
  7. Look into integrating My-Plant with other iPlant properties
    1. using the API to inculde information like how many tools the user has integrated into the DE
    2. explore integrating iplant datastore/api into myplant groups for sharing data/content