- What needs to be done in advance of publication?
- Documentation
- user and developer (installing)
- on-screen help and documentation
- Minimal user interface
- for loading / managing trees
- for metadata
- Process for moving forward
- user testing & feedback
- developer installation testing
- identify the specific items for feedback
- Major features
- branch lengths; Adam did this, Kris needs to look the code
- wishlists from Austin workshop
- google doc for trait evolution needs
- from each, note what is done, in scope and not done, not done and out of scope
- match To Do against JIRA tickets
- Safer to go self-contained than needing Core Software for milestones
- Need concrete use cases for metadata
- including files that contain the required information
- research on how other tree viewers handle metadata (ETE, Archaeopteryx)
- Kris talking to Daniel Packer about interaction with TR
- Timeline
- documentation
- feature list first
- estimate time for each
- send out invite / questions for testing
- feedback WebEx in early October
Action items for next meeting
- outline of required documentation (Kris)
- prioritize feature list (Karen)
- Naim use cases (initally, TE)