- iPlant Meeting demo results
- Administrative policies need to be defined asap
- Should auth be iPlant shib only?
- Social Features
- Traits UI
- Tree
- BrachyBio project
Admin Policies
These should be developed and iterated on ASAP as we heard a lot of feedback on this during the demo, plus it will affect the implementation. It was suggested that Brent may have laid this out already, so if someone has a pointer to it that would be great. This seems like an ideal task for the ETA if there is spare cycles for this.
Authorization and Accounts
The consensus seemed to be that we should tie into the greater iPlant shibboleth authentication. I believe Nirav has experience with this so the dev team will contact him about this.
Social Networking Features
The dev team is going to focus on getting some of the social networking features implemented in the site now like:
- Friend lists and Fan lists (friend is two way, fan is one way)
- Messaging, both point to point and broadcasting at the site and clade level
- Profile information
- User ranking (further down the line)
We should start thinking about the vocabulary used for such features, to make it sound clever and plant-related. (Bad example, but we could call messages seeds, a group of friends people in "your pod" etc.
Attaching traits to clades/species seems to be something that folks are pretty interested in. Then users could search by traits, browse the tree by traits...
The dev team was wondering what this should look like, and at least to start the suggestion was that we could start with simple text tags like "drought resistant", "green", and also that we should include the common names or synonyms in the traits. Also Jerry offered:
Gramene's ontology page
Here are more on the plant ontology and plant trait ontology
A new tree will be generated and sent to the dev team. There seemed to be an "ah-ha" moment of realization of what the dev team needs. Yay.
Students are landing, the dev team will send instructions on how they can go about inputting data to the site. The dev team will need a couple of days to get the site ready.