


  1. Review action items from last meeting:
    • Michael will develop an overview document to show where we are now along with milestones and timelines.
    • Adam will send the prototype viewer link to the group.
    • Michael will send Jira information out to the group.
  2. Updates from everyone
  3. Karen moving / change in FMNH subcontract


  1. Action items from last week:
    • Michael will send out overview document soon, we will discuss over email list
    • Adam sent link to few of us, Karen broadcast it widely at iEvoBio. This is bleeding edge version.
    • Michael will send Jira info to Bernice
  2. Updates:
    • Michael and Adam are working on better management of the code, including release and development versions, better incorporation of project into jira
    • Still need to work on performance issues. The overview window is the slowest piece. Bernice has some code from VIVA that might be useful. She will forward to Adam & Kris.
    • Bernice is contacting people who have examples of metadata
    • The latest version of the DE does not contain the Big Tree Viewer, due to a variety of issues with this implementation.