- Paper
- Updates to My-Plant
- Module release progress
Attendees: Pam S., Thomas M., Dick O., Steve M., Matt H., Natalie H.
- The paper, titled "My-Plant.org: A Phylogenetically Structured Social Network" was presented at Gateway Computing Environment at SC 10 and will be published in the proceedings, a copy will be sent to the group.
- There will be maintenance on Monday (12/6) modules and security patches update.
- On the site there a few new features – a ‘yes or no’ slide button to include posts from sublcades; Share buttons are now visible for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Digg and email for easier sharing
- Matt Hanlon did some back end work on the tree navigator on the main page, mainly in preparation for an open source code release. The navigator is now more responsive and a little cleaner.
The next release will be the community module to allow and manage links to other blogs, science repositories, job postings, and integration into Facebook and Twitter directly with a link back to My-Plant.org
- iPlant compliance request was added to the site for users to opt in or out for the social network research that is being done. The research is still in its early process so no results are in as yet.
- We are currently at 220 members
- What can be done to encourage users to post more? Need to get users posting content, need to do a publicity push to get more users.