


  • Output Formats
  • Trait Evolution perspective for the Tree Viz Workshop
  • API?
  • Open Discussion


Brian O'Meara, Natalie Henriques, Jeremy Beaulieu, Nicole Hopkins, Sheldon Mckay, Liya Wang

Action items

Extract standard deviation computation by Contrast (Nicole, Liya)
Evaluate Mesquite by Liya
Evaluate Brownie by Liya

Minutes (links to action items in bold)

Clarified the additional output computed by Contrast but not printed out. This output (standard deviation) will be used for testing assumptions of PIC. Nicole and Liya will work through this by looking into Contrast code.

Brian and Jeremy discussed tree visualization method for ancestral state reconstruction (color represent probability). There is no particular visualization method for PIC.

Nicole mentioned the API will probably be released by the end of this year. Liya mentioned that our working group hope to get API earlier than public release and particularly the API to Analysis part.

Ancestral state reconstruction is discussed in the open discussion portion. The discrete maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction can be done via BayesTraits, Mesquite, Brownie and many other software. Mesquite and Brownie are open source and also support character correlation.