


  • Graduate student introductions
  • Developer update
    • testing server
    • authentication/single sign-on
    • layout/design update
  • Timelines/Milestones Review
  • Review plans for student efforts
    • technical details - how to enter content, feature requests, etc
    • focus areas
    • other??
  • My-Plant.org poster for BSA


  • As we are in the final stages of production before the release we will begin having weekly meetings. The final week in July we will have a meeting on the 27th.
  • There will be an internal release two weeks prior to the release date

Action Items

  1. Confirm date for My-Plant to go live, before the BSA and ASPB meetings (Michael)
  2. Record new video demonstration for the meetings (Michael, Steve, Praveen and Matt)
  3. Compile list of names, addresses and emails to put in program (Michael)
  4. Send out Jira link (Steve)