- Graduate student introductions
- Developer update
- testing server
- authentication/single sign-on
- layout/design update
- Timelines/Milestones Review
- Review plans for student efforts
- technical details - how to enter content, feature requests, etc
- focus areas
- other??
- My-Plant.org poster for BSA
- As we are in the final stages of production before the release we will begin having weekly meetings. The final week in July we will have a meeting on the 27th.
- There will be an internal release two weeks prior to the release date
Action Items
- Confirm date for My-Plant to go live, before the BSA and ASPB meetings (Michael)
- Record new video demonstration for the meetings (Michael, Steve, Praveen and Matt)
- Compile list of names, addresses and emails to put in program (Michael)
- Send out Jira link (Steve)