- New name
- Discussion of timeline, phases, requirements
Action Items
- Steve : Email group regarding project name.
- * ? * : Acquire domain names for chosen name. Does anybody know who would take care of this?
- Marty : Enter a list of important meeting dates we'd like introduce the project at through a poster or demo.
- Val : Look into organizing meeting with UPenn social media experts.
- There appears to be a consensus on the project name being GreenPhylogeny.net with the shortcut name GreenPhylo.net. The group will be consulted one more time. Barring any protestations, it will be so named. Both domains should be acquired ASAP.
- A two phase approach seems to have value. The first phase will be quickly executed to create an informational web site that folks can point to while the portal is being developed. Rick Mccourt and Dick Olmstead were identified as individuals who would have a good idea of the content for the phase 1 site. Phase 2 will be the portal itself.
- There are several meetings in the summer time which we'll want to have a presence at either through a poster or demo. We should gather a list of these. The first of which is the iPlant meeting in late May. We'll be targeting that date as one to have something to either show, or at very least have a poster at.
Social Media Experts
- Val mentioned that there is a set of social media experts at UPenn that we may wish to consult with. In particular it was mentioned that we could organize getting Rick and Dick together with these experts, perhaps with the engagement person and/or developers.