


  • Matthew is still working on the community page, integration with social networking tools and simplifying posting content to the site. Should be able to show progress by mid January for review and feedback.
  • One goal is to drive more traffice to the my-plant.org site through the networking tools. will also use it to target more student users. We should find out from students (grad and undergrad) what they want out of the site and what they think would be valuable. Conduct a focus group.
  • Have My-Plant be a "one stop shop" location for other database sources. Might be beneficial for those who don't know where to look for those sources.
  • Other ideas for information search are 1. Bibliographic search 2. Image search 3. Search for specimens in Herbarium databases 4. Nomenclatural resources
  • Discussions on Google scholar search link and RSS feeds for each clade.
  • ACTION ITEM: Send updated poster to Pam for the PAG conference
  • ACTION ITEM: Send SC presentation slides to Naim