- Debriefing after the Las Vegas conference. We should compile our respective notes. I've started a page here: https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/wiki/display/iptol/iPlant+conference+notes .
- Software updates from Adam and Kris
- iEvoBio conference, June 29-30. The accepted abstract is here: https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/wiki/display/iptol/iEvoBio+abstract . Looks like the promised features won't quite equal the actual features, but this is always a potential hazard with this type of abstract... The link at the bottom points to the wiki page with links to the svn code repository and binaries for the old standalone version. I want to present the version under active development, so I need to provide a link to the source, as well as confirmation that the code is under an open source license. I know the existing git repository requires an iPlant login - can we also provide this in a location with anonymous access?
- Moving forward with Metadata / API development. This will require our group to integrate with other working groups such as iPTOL Data Integration, Core Software. Are there specific people that should be involved? Bill Piel and Val Tannen from iPTOL, definitely. Who from Core Software?
- We all had similar conversations at the Las Vegas meeting. Need to communicate the usability of iPlant tools at various scales and with any data set, not just The iPlant Data / Big Tree.
- Adam - scalability in the web-based version is looking good. Currently adding features from the standalone tool (i.e. the clade-based focus). Should have a server up by the end of the week for a DE-independent implementation that people can upload newick strings. Kris is working on alternate layouts, such as circular and he ability to ladderize the tree.
- There will be an anonymous access repository before iEvoBio. Karen, Kris and Adam will discuss getting the prototype to a decent beta version before June 29.
- Adam and Bernice have been talking about metadata models (see notes <link?>). Bernice will work on developing ideas for a user interface. Possible model is a web service for metadata with modules for various viz tools (i.e. treeviz). Karen will continue conversations with Data Integration (Val, Bill) and Core Software about designing the interoperability layer to make sure we can integrate with both the DE and other data services.
- After iEvoBio, we should try and get a solid beta version - a 1.0 release - and think about writing up a short application note.
Action items
- Karen will re-start discussions about data interoperability
- Karen, Adam and Kris will talk about coding required before the iEvoBio meetin
- Bernice will continue conversations re: design of the metadata web service
- Bernice will contact iPlant conference participants re: test data sets