

Data Assembly meeting

Action items from October 19

  • Pam and Doug will work on web site content.
  • Steven Smith, Casey Dunn, Erika Edward and Bill Piel will be invited


  • Discussion on the status of the November meeting. One thing we need to resolve very soon (today?) is the slate of alternates for the workshop. Need some additional people or alternates for the following topics:
    • ONTOLOGIES - suggestions: Paula Mabee, Quentin Cronk, Hilmar Lapp
    • PALEOBOTANY - suggestions: Steve Manchester, others???
    • OTHER - are there other people we'd like to invite, now that we've had some cancellations?



Attendees: Douglas Soltis, Pamela Soltis, Bill Piel, Liya Wang, Michael Gonzales, Natalie Henriques

Additional Speakers for November meeting

  • Pam discussed the need to make a decision on inviting possible alternates for Ontologies, Paleobotany and other topics.
  • Based on emails received, people are interested in Ontology issues. It was suggested that Damian Gessler is connected with Plant Ontology and will already be at the meeting.
  • Hilmar Lapp was suggested because of his view from the informatics/cyber infrastructure side would be a good addition.
  • Quentin Cronk was suggested for his morphology background.
  • It was agreed that Doug and Pam would invite anyone they thought appropriate to attend the meeting without further discussion from the group.

Meeting Information

  • ACTION: Update agenda with list of attendees, will get information from updated excel spreadsheet.
  • ACTION: Send attendees reminders of meeting dates, reminder to book travel reservations etc.
  • ACTION: Mary Margaret, who is responsible for hotel reservations, needs the list of all attendees whether they filled or the form or sent an email to ensure they get a room. Make it clear that the names supplied is who will get rooms.
  • ACTION: Doug will make sure all the logistics is available to the people on this call in the 1 – 2 days.
  • Pam – if attendees have previously attended an iPlant meeting we should be able to pull up their attendee information so they don’t have to fill it out each time.
  • Sheldon – As the meeting gets closer we need start driving documentation more aggressively.
  • Casey, Gordon and Steven all three interested in working with development on cyber infrastructure.