

  1. Status of Updating services and GUI code -- Naim, Jamie
    1. Anticipated completion April 23rd
  2. Status of John Kerry's work -- Jamie
    1. John produced reconciliations for gene trees ranging in size from 10 to 1000 sequences for __ species
    2. Jamie has output and is working on loading to test database for visualization
    3. Jamie needs to modify reconcile code to extract species tree with node-IDs from database. This can be used as input to the reconcile pipeline to facilitate mapping species tree nodes from treebest output to species tree nodes in the database.
    4. Anticipated large tree example db loaded with large trees (1000 genes) available by April 12th if not before. Jamie will email group when this is available.
  3. Status of manuscripts
    1. Jamie added notes to wiki 
  4. Open Data License
    1. Todd mentioned if we should consider an ontology a database release or a software releast
      1. A database license such as the open data commons may be appropriate
      2. A general CC0 license may also apply ( or CC atributiion (