Progress report
Big Trees:
- John Cazes offered to check with Robert McLay to push WINDJAMMER manuscript
- Pam & Doug might have dataset for Robert to use fro a WINDJAMMER publication
- Publication in Advances in Bioinformatics (but Todd Vision avise against because the publisher is known for starting low quality publications)
Perpetually updating tree:
- Testing big data sets
- Need service to subset tree programmatically
- Discussion with GNA (Dmtry Mozzherin, David Shorthouse), see report
- TNRS 3.0 code complete ETA: April 30th
- Ready to load test data in DB, services + GUI still need to be updated (est. Apr 23rd)
- Additional sources: IPNI/Plant List would be nice, but other strategy is to go for high quality content (Monographs, floras and checklists)
- Re-invigoration strategy: broader base (i.e. not only phylogeneticists) + more dynamic content. Shannon to help with content.
- Suggestion: Linking with Open ToL (Doug and Karen) and possibly TNRS
- Naim, Dan, Steve and Karen to have a meeting on April 12th. Dan identified a possible developer at TACC.
- Work to be done: mapping interface (could be connected to analyses) and aesthetics (+ tweaks)
- Could be base for Open ToL Viz.