

Agenda (minutes in orange)

  • Discussion of outcomes of 1KP, Tree Viz and TR collaboration. For details, see discussion here 
  • Discussion of standalone applications-goal is to provide current prototype to select members of TR group for validation of algorithm. Will provide new standalone for interactive tree viz as it is available.
    • The standalone application can be made available to the group within days. It will consist of the reconciliations generated with TreeBest from John Bowers' 6 Rosids dataset. It will provide a search interface, a "details" page and static images of the trees (gene trees, species tree and "fat" tree). The group will evaluate the aspects that will be re-used in the next iteration. In particular the search functionalities.
  • Discussion of January release of DE-integrating the current prototype for TR while working on new interactive version.
    • The group sees limited functional use for the integration of the current iteration (prototype + Bowers' data) into the DE. However two reasons for an integration as a "placeholder" (and making this clear to the user) for the DE January release.  On the one hand it will show the community that progress is being made and on the other hand it will allow us to gather feedback on the functional parts (search functionalities) from a wider group of users. The group will decide whether such an integration will make sense after having reviewed the prototype.
  • Nicole creating task list/estimates for collaborative effort with 1KP/Viz/TR. Goal is to provide functionality by end of January, but will need to give estimates weighted on time each developer has to dedicate to this project.
  • Acceptance tests
    • Nicole and Naim will review what is currently there and what needs to be done. Jamie (?) pointed out that having a storyboard for the interactive features would be very useful.
