LTR finder 1.07

LTR finder 1.07

LTR_Finder is an efficient program for finding full-length LTR retrotranspsons in genome sequences.

See https://github.com/xzhub/LTR_Finder for more info.

Quick Start

  • To use LTR finder load your input data in FASTA format.

Test Data


Test data for this app appears directly in the Discovery Environment in the Data window under Community Data -> iplantcollaborative -> example_data -> LTR_finder

Input File(s)

Only one file is necessary, a FASTA file 3ds_72.fa


All parameters may be left as default.

Output Files

  • out

The default 'out' file will contain details of the matches including alignments (this is the 'full output').

Tool Source for App
