This app takes an SRR number (SRA database run number) as input, and downloads an SRA file, then converts the SRA file to a fastq file.
Although this app is still functional, it does not have the capability of working with the new SRRs or splitting FASTQ files for paired-end reads. If you need that functionality, please use the NCBI-SRA-Fastq-dump-2.8.1 app instead.
App Creator
Roger Barthelson
Description and Quick Start
Imports a SRA file and converts it to fastq format. Takes a SRA run number as input.Â
Test Data
No input file is required. An SRR number, that is the Run number associated with an SRA record at NCBI, is required. Example SRR486102
NO Parameters Used with this App
Output File(s)
This app downloads the SRA file, and then runs fastq-dump to extract the fastq file. Both files are provided.