PcPipe 1.0.0
PcPipe 1.0.0Â
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PcPipe is a pipeline that implements a series of steps for protein clustering and annotation. 1: User defined proteins are clustered with proteins from known protein clusters. 2: Proteins that do not cluster are self-clustered to form novel protein clusters. 3: Proteins from novel self-clusters are compared to a reference set of proteins from the Similarity Matrix of Proteins (SIMAP). 4: Annotations from SIMAP proteins are assigned to each hit from the novel protein clusters.
Quick Start
Description and Quick Start
Protein clustering
Test Data/iplant/home/shared/imicrobe/pcpipe
Input File(s)Protein clustering.
Parameters Used in AppORFs and existing protein clusters.
Output File(s)BLAST results annotated with SIMAP features.
Protocol for use is here:Â https://www.protocols.io/view/PCPipe-Protein-clustering-with-SIMAP-annotations-ehfbb3n
- https://github.com/hurwitzlab/pcpipe
- http://www.nature.com/ismej/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ismej201689a.html?WT.feed_name=subjects_genetics