Concatenate 2 Files-workflow edition.

Concatenate 2 Files-workflow edition.

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Concatenate 2 files. Compatible with Workflows in the DE.

Concatenate 2 Files (link title to source) joins files head-to-tail. It's useful for combining data files, adding headers to files, and a host of other purposes. This application is a wrapper for the UNIX command 'cat'.

Quick Start

Test Data

All files are located in the Community Data directory of the iPlant Discovery Environment at the following path:

Community Data > iplantcollaborative > example_data > concatenate_multiple_files

Input File(s)

Use cat1.txtcat2.txt, and cat3.txt  as test data.

Parameters Used in App

There are no parameters for this app, but you should select the files in the order you wish them to be joined. In the test case, select the files in the order cat1.txt, cat3.txt, and cat2.txt.

Output File(s)

Expect a text file named as the output file name is set.

Tool Source for App