FASTA Minimum Size Filter
FASTA Minimum Size Filter
FASTA Minimum Size Filter applies a size filter to a FASTA file, excluding the sequence records smaller than a specified base pair size.
Quick Start
- To use FASTA Minimum Size Filter, upload your data in FASTA format.
- Resources: None
Test Data
All files are located in the Community Data directory of the iPlant Discovery Environment at the following path:
Community Data > iplantcollaborative > example_data > fasta_minimum_size_filter
Input File(s)
Use euc-k27-1.fa as test data.
Parameters Used in App
When the app is run in the Discovery Environment, use the following parameters with the above input file(s) to get the output provided in the next section below.
- Minimum Length - 300
Output File(s)
Expect a FASTA file 'fasta_filter_by_length_out.fa' as output.
Tool Source for App
- None