

Community rating: ?????

Quick Start

Test Data

Test data for this app appears directly in the Discovery Environment in the Data window under Shared With Me” -> luj -> variant_calling.

Input File(s)

  • Use directory picard_preprocess_output from the directory above as input directory containing the preprocessed bam files.
  • Use ricen_Chr12.fa as reference genome fasta file.
  • Use ricen_Chr12_target.intervals as samtools-style intervals of targets.

Parameters Used in App

When the app is run in the Discovery Environment, use the following parameters with the above input file(s) to get the output provided in the next section below.

  • Default parameters only, no further configuration needed.

Advanced Use

  • The preprocessed bam file should be bam file that has been sorted, deduped, and read group info added.
  • You could limit the analysis to target regions in samtools-style intervals file
  • You could provide known variants, such as dbsnp, in a vcf file
  • You could set following parameters of analysis
    • The minimum number of supporting reads required (--minReads)
    • The minimum mapping quality of read (--minMapQual)
    • The minimum allowed base-calling quality (--minBaseQual)

Output File(s)

Expect a vcf file named platypus_output.vcf as output.

Tool Source for App