

Please complete the course evaluation: https://tce.oirps.arizona.edu/TCEOnline

  • We would like to offer this course again and your feedback will help us make it better in the future

PLS 599: Practical Computing in Life Sciences

Management and manipulation of large-scale data has become a critical skill set for professional biologists. Creating custom pipelines, formatting data for input to various published analytical tools, and developing new tools for data validation are becoming more and more important as the rate of data creation, such as from high-throughput genomic technologies, skyrockets.

In this course, graduate students will be guided through learning three main topics. Examples will be drawn from standard bioinformatics problems, such as DNA sequence analysis, but the skill set will apply to any realm deploying “big data.” No previous knowledge of scripting or programming is required. 

Recommended:  Watch this space!

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