
iPG2P Data Integration

December 17, 2009, 1pm EST

Attendees: Carolyn Lawerence, Damian, Doreen, Eva Huala, Jerry Lu, Qi Sun, Bernice Rogowitz, Steve Welch, Weijia Xu, Lukas Mueller, Chris Jordan, Ruth Grene, Karla Gendler

Action Items:


  1. Reveiw Action Items
    1. All review the following workflows and make more recommendations
    2. Jordan will send around an updated list of resource providers
      • Jordan has created a spreadsheet to record all of the data resources that have been referred to him by Ruth Grene and others.  There are about 20 resources listed.  He is still trying to figure out what the spreadsheet should actually contain.  Who else should, or will volunteer, to review this spreasheet?
      • Lawerence: hadn’t been on mailing list so perhaps the questionnaire might not be right
      • Ware: recognition vs recall, questionnaire might need to be updated; multiple-choice out of head; will revolve around the workflows and core infrastructure group and what is required by them; question will \core work all of these groups or just a few?
      • Jordan: hope is that we can get it down to a short list of resources and formats so core can work around them to get started and then expand over time
      • Eva is willing to looking at spreadsheet;
      • Jordan will add a new page to the wiki with a spreadsheet and will post questions for what type of feedback he is looking for
    3. Lu and Jordan will update questionnaire to be more specific and ask more targeted questions, especially in regards to ontologies
      • Lu: based on what the survey results and interactions, has added a little bit and not too much; Jordan will look at it
      • Ware: have more information based on the results of the questionnaire to refine the questions
    4. Lu will review DI needs from phylogenetic group and see if we can overlay what they are working on with what G2P is doing
      • iPToL_Progress
      • are there common elements that we can identify?
      • Ware: initially have the same problem with multiple file formats and how people use them is a recurring problem; thought there would be more overlap in standards of sequence
      • Lu: deals more with data assembly group and big trees and the data assembly will tackle those issues of sequence formats
      • Ware: is DA group seeing NGS group as being major data provider for big tree?
      • Lu: not really specific but concentrate on resources that are more valuable to build the tree
  2. iPlant and the Semantic Web - Damian Gessler (20 minutes)
    1. Semantic Web Services
  3. Summary of Interviews - Jerry (10-15 minutes)
    1. Interviews on DI WG needs following up DI_12032009
    2. What needs to be done next?
  4. Identify Action Items
    • Gendler send out poll for next meeting
    • Lu will interview more people
    • Bernice should review the poll results

Next Meeting