


This app creates a csv file based on the input fits image, with some key headers extracted as columns in the file.

Quick Start

  • To use fits_extraction, select a fits image file as an input for the app, and press Launch Analysis. If the image is a valid fits image, a partially filled csv file with the image's name attached will appear in the related analysis folder. It will contain some information from the fits image header, including the image's RA and Dec. If the image does not match fits standard, a log.txt file will appear in the same place, informing you that the header is invalid. Should this happen, please visit our fits header verification tool at www.final_url_for_tool.com, which will provide more detailed feedback about what is wrong with the header, and will help with fixing.
  • Resources: This app makes use of the astropy library to evaluate fits headers. Their full documentation can be found at http://www.astropy.org/.

Test Data

All files are located in the Community Data directory of the CyVerse Discovery Environment at the following path:

Community Data > iplantcollaborative > example_data > fits_extraction

Input File(s)

Use cvnidwafcut.fits  as a test input file that will return an appropriate csv.

Use cvnidwabcut.fits  as a test input file that will return a log.txt file reporting an error.

Parameters Used in App

When the app is run in the Discovery Environment, use the following parameters with the above input file(s) to get the output provided in the section below:

  • No parameters to set.

Output File(s)

A log.txt file if the header is not fits standard, other wise a file called <name>.csv, where <name> is the name of the fits image supplied.

Related Tutorials

We can add a link to the tutorial once it is written.

Tool Source for App

Links to external source code.