Using Special Characters in the DE

Using Special Characters in the DE

Using special characters in the DE

If you intend to use a data file in an analysis submitted through the DE, you should rename files previously imported or uploaded through the CyVerse Data Store containing these characters before using them in an analysis submitted in the DE. Data file names, folder names, and analysis names containing special characters or spaces have been known to cause failed analyses in the DE, and may return empty or no output files.

Special characters to avoid

Files, folder names, or analysis names cannot contain the following special characters or any special characters on a non-English keyboard:

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Prohibited special characters

The following characters are prohibited in files or folders uploaded via the Data Store and will be displayed in red italics to indicate they are not accessible:





/nNew line
Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.