Managing Your Atmosphere Data

You can install binaries and store data, as well as use your CyVerse Data Store in Atmosphere.

You also can back up and restore your data using a script. For information, see Backing Up and Restoring Your Data to the Data Store.

Installing binaries and storing data

  • Install your tool binaries in /usr/local/bin/
  • To retrieve your data in the future, store your data in /mydata, where you have mounted your volume.

Using your CyVerse Data in Atmosphere

There are three ways to access data from the CyVerse Data Store:

  • Use iCommands to copy the data to your instance

iCommands is preinstalled on all Atmosphere instances, so you only need to type iinit to get started. For more information, see Setting Up iCommands and Using iCommands. If you do not have sufficient disk space on your instance, you will need to mount additional space. You can also use the iRODS irsync command to synchronize data between your instance and the Data Store. iCommands is the recommended way to move data to and from your instance for most cases.

  • Use FUSE to mount the Data Store

For direct-file system-based access where your data appears as a drive on your instance, see Using FUSE to mount the CyVerse Data Store. Although not a high-throughput method, this method does not require modifications to your existing programs.

  • Use Parrot (for advanced users only)

Advanced users may use Parrot, a higher-performance method than FUSE-based access. Parrot requires additional setup; please contact CyVerse Support for assistance.

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