Getting Started with iPlant and HPC

Getting Started with iPlant and HPC

Getting Started with iPlant and High Performance Computing (HPC)

Getting Started with iPlant

Register for an iPlant Account

  1. Register for an iPlant account: http://user.iplantcollaborative.org/
    1. Reset password: Also at the above link.

Storing Data with iPlant


The iPlant Data Store is the hub of the iPlant cyberinfrastructure. Data are automatically synchronized between the physical storage sites at the University of Arizona and the Texas Advanced Computing Center in Austin, Texas. It does take some time for synchronization to occur, especially for large datasets. There are a number of different ways to view and access data in the Data Store through either a graphical interface (e.g., Discovery Environment, iDrop) or at the command line (e.g., icommands). The most efficient way to work with large data sets is to use icommands. More information is available here.

Installing and Using icommands

There's already a directory at /iplant/home/shared/bien for the group. John Donoghue, Brian McGill, Martha are owners (as are some other iPlant staff). Nathan, Peder and Brian Enquist have write permissions. Martha (or others) can share the directory with others when they have their iPlant accounts.


  • ask.iplantcollaborative.org - iPlant forums for general questions and help (icommands, getting started using iPlant's resources, general "How To" questions)
  • support@iplantcollaborative.org - for technical support (account access, something doesn't seem to be up or working, did something very regrettable to a vitally important file).
  • TACC - The group will be assigned a person to contact pending approval of the Extended Collaborative Support request.
  • support@nceas.ucsb.edu - NCEAS