Action Items
- Sheldon to prepare a document which shows the engagement team analyst for each group and which PI or designate they should be working with.
- Review action items from previous meeting
- Updates on the current status of projects. Questions or updates?
- Review Jerry's compiled list of current iptol projects on data integration needs https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/wiki/display/iptol/Data+Integration+needs+from+existsing+projects
- Bill and Jerry to provide report on the NCEAS BIEN meeting
- Open discussion
Attendees: Bill, Jerry, Sheldon, Natalie
ACTION: Jerry will prepare a consolidated report of outstanding integration needs for all iPTol working groups. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
ACTION: Sheldon will work on augmenting the Data Analysis working group wish list that was presented at the end of the workshop.
Meeting Discussions:
• Tropicos data
• Phylo referencing database
• BIEN collaboration
• Taxonomic intelligence cross cutting issue
• February meeting in Missouri
The meeting on December 30, 2009 is cancelled the next meeting will be on January 13, 2010