Changing Settings and Configuring a Public SSH Key

Atmosphere settings include the ability to receive an email when an instance finishes launching, request an increase to your allocation, change the default icon set for your images and instances, and configure SSH access and a public SSH key to enable SSH access launched instances.

Changing settings

  1. Log in to Atmosphere.
  2. Click your username at the top right and then click Settings:
    • Notifications: To receive an email when an instance finishes launching, click the checkbox.
    • Allocation: To request a temporary or permanent increase in your allocation, such as more CPUs, click request more resources and complete the form. For more information, see Requesting More Atmosphere Resources.
    • Appearance: To change the default icon set used for your images and instances, click the icon set to use.

Configuring SSH settings

Changes to SSH key settings do not immediately affect existing instances. A suspended instance must be resumed to receive the new keys. An active instance must be re-deployed.

Removing a key from this list doesn't remove it from any existing instances. If you need to remove a key from an existing instance, please edit /home/<your_cyverse_username>/.ssh/authorized_keys inside the instance, or contact Atmosphere support at for assistance.

  1. In the Settings window, click Show More under Advanced.
  2. To add a public SSH key, click under name.
  3. In the Add a public SSH key window:
    1. In the Key Name field, enter the key name.
    2. In the Public Key field, enter the public key (begins with ssh-rsa, ssh-dss, etc.).
    3. Click Confirm.
  4. Repeat for each public key to add.

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