Using iCommands

Using iCommands


iCommands 4.1.10, the latest supported version for CyVerse services, has been released by iRODS. For a list of testing done on affected services, see Upgrading to iRODS 4.1.

iCommands is a collection of commands for Linux and Mac OS operating systems that are used in the iRODS system to interact with the CyVerse Data Store. Many commands are very similar to Unix utilities. For example, to list files and directories, in Linux you use ls, but in iCommands you use ils.

While iCommands are great for all transfers and for automating tasks via scripts, they are the best choice for large files (> 2 GB each) and for bulk file transfers (many small files). For a comparison of the different methods of uploading and downloading data items, see Downloading and Uploading Data.

iCommands can be used by CyVerse account users to download files that have been shared by other users and to upload files to the Data Store, as well as add metadata, change permissions, and more. Commonly used iCommands are listed below. Follow the instructions on Setting Up iCommands for how to download and configure iCommands for your operating system.

A CyVerse account is not required to download a public data file via iCommands. To see instructions just for public data download with iCommands, see the iCommands section on Downloading Data Files Without a User Account.

Before you begin, you may want to watch a CyVerse video about iCommands.

About setup and configuration

Regardless of whether you want to download and upload data as a CyVerse user, or download public data without an account as an anonymous user, iCommands must be set up and configured on each user's local machine or server. For information on downloading and setting up iCommands for your operating system, see Setting Up iCommands.

For information on downloading public data files anonymously, see Downloading Data Files Without a User Account. To share data with a user, the user at minimum must have Read permission to the parent directory that contains the file and any other parent folders within the folder hierarchy.

In addition to using iCommands to share data from the command line, CyVerse users can upload and download data within the Discovery Environment. For more information, see Sharing Data Files and Folders Via the Discovery Environment.

Commonly used iCommands

These sample commands are entered from the command line once you have installed and configured iCommands on your computer.

This is not a comprehensive guide for how to use iCommands

This section offers the most commonly used commands used with CyVerse data. If you are not comfortable using the command-line interface, ask your IT professional to assist you.

For more information and a complete list of all iCommands, enter the iCommand and -h in the terminal window to view the related Help information. More information is available by searching on "icommands" at http://irods.org/documentation/.

For more information on using these and other iRODS commands, see the iRODS Documentation on the iRODS website, or enter the iCommand and -h to view the help file in a terminal window.

Enter any of the following iCommands in a command line.

CommandDescription (For help, enter the command followed by -h)



Changes the working directory.

 Example: icd
bash-3.2$ icd tmp
bash-3.2$ ils

Gives access to another user.

ichmod readGrants read-only permission level for specified user to selected file or folder.
ichmod write
Grants read and write permission level for specified user to selected file or folder.
ichmod ownGrants full ownership permission level for specified user to selected file or folder.
ichmod nullRemoves the permission level for the user to the file or folder.
iexit full

Logs off/disconnects from the Data Store.

  • To log out of the Data Store (especially important if on a shared or public computer), enter iexit full
  • To log in again on the same device, enter iinit 

After you are successfully connected, you do not need to reenter your password to use the CyVerse Data Store from that computer unless you log out.



Downloads the file/directory from iRODS to local device.


bash-3.2$ iget -K file_name.txt

In the above example, the -K flag is included to ensure data isn't corrupted during data transfer via iCommands, which can happen anytime data are transferred across the internet. CyVerse highly recommends that you include the -K option with both iget and iput. This causes iCommands to verify that transferred files weren't corrupted during the transfer by comparing the Checksums computed before and after the transfer.


Initializes and starts the connection to iRODS.

 Example: iinit
bash-3.2$ iinit
One or more fields in your iRODS environment file (.irodsEnv) are
missing; please enter them.
Enter the host name (DNS) of the server to connect to:data.iplantcollaborative.org
Enter the port number:1247
Enter your irods user name:yourusername
Enter your irods zone:iplant
Those values will be added to your environment file (for use by
other i-commands) if the login succeeds.
#* Enter your current iRODS password:

iinit -h


Reports the client software version.

Reports the server version.



Lists the contents of the current working directory.

 Example: ils
bash-3.2$ ils
  C- /iplant/home/yourusername/analyses
  C- /iplant/home/yourusername/backup
  C- /iplant/home/yourusername/collections
  C- /iplant/home/yourusername/data
  C- /iplant/home/yourusername/tmp
  C- /iplant/home/yourusername/utilities 
ils -A


Lists the directory permissions.

 Example: Directory permissions
? ils -A /iplant/home/user/directory
        ACL - g:rodsadmin#iplant:own   user#iplant:own   de-irods#iplant:own   
        Inheritance - Disabled
        ACL - rodsadmin#iplant:own   user#iplant:read object   
        ACL - rodsadmin#iplant:own   user#iplant:write object   
  C- /iplant/home/user/directory/subdirectory


Creates a new directory.

 Example: imkdir
bash-3.2$ imkdir NewDataDirectory


Uploads the file/directory from the local device to iRODS.


bash-3.2$ iput -K file_name.txt

In the above example, the -K flag is included to ensure data isn't corrupted during data transfer via iCommands, which can happen any time data are transferred across the internet. CyVerse highly recommends that you include the -K flag with both iget and iput. This causes iCommands to verify that transferred files weren't corrupted during the transfer by comparing the Checksums computed before and after the transfer.

See more iput examples below.



Shows the name and path of the current remote folder.

 Example: ipwd
bash-3.2$ ipwd


Moves a file to the trash.

 Example: irm
bash-3.2$ irm file_name.txt
irm -f

Deletes a file.

 Example: irm -f
bash-3.2$ irm -f file_name.txt
irm -r

Moves a folder to the trash.

 Example: irm -r
bash-3.2$ irm -r file_name.txt
irm -fr


Deletes a folder.

 Example: irm -fr
bash-3.2$ irm -fr file_name.txt

Synchronize a folder from a local directory (e.g., your computer) to a directory in iRODs (or the CyVerse Data Store). The -l flag can be used to investigate if the directory needs to be synchronized. The -s flag can be used to use file size rather than checksums to determine if the directories are synchronized. 

bash-3.2$ irync -r local_directory_name i:data_store_directory_name 

Reliability and troubleshooting tips and tricks

If you are having problems with reliability, try the following command options:


Allows bulk uploads for transferring many small files at once. Cannot be used with --lfrestart.


Includes a folder or directory.


Renews the socket connection every 10 minutes.


Lists the number of retries attempted in case of failure/error.


Saves the progress to a file so that only the files that were not sent successfully are sent when you restart a failed  upload.
Any filename may be used for the checkpoint-file.

-X <checkpoint-file>

Saves the progress to an individual file so only the unsent portion of the file is sent when you restart the upload. Cannot be used when using -b for a bulk upload. Any filename may be used for the checkpoint-lf-file.

--lfrestart <checkpoint-lf-file>
Provides progress feedback.
Provides more information about a command.-V

The versions must be the same on your client and on the server.

  • Finds the version of iCommands on your system.
  • Finds the version of iCommands on your server.


  • iinit -h
  • imiscsvrinfo

Troubleshooting a failed DE analysis that uses a file uploaded via iCommands

If the file used in the failed analysis was uploaded to the Data Store via iCommands, verify that the filename does not contain any special characters or spaces. This has been known to cause analyses to fail. For more information, see Using Special Characters in the DE and Renaming a Data File or Folder in the DE.


Bulk files transfer example

iput -K -P -b -r -T --retries 3 -X checkpoint-file my-files-to-transfer/

Single large file transfer example

iput -K -P -T --lfrestart checkpoint-lf-file my-file-to-transfer.txt 

In the above examples:

  • -K: To ensure data isn't corrupted during data transfer via iCommands, which can happen anytime data are transferred across the internet, CyVerse highly recommends that you include the -K option with iget and iput. This causes iCommands to verify that transferred files weren't corrupted during the transfer by comparing the Checksums computed before and after the transfer.
  • my-files-to-transfer/ is the example name of the directory or folder for bulk transfers.
  • my files-to-transfer.txt is the example name for single file transfers.
  • Any filename may be used for the checkpoint-file.

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