Data Store Intro

Data Store Intro

This Data Store space contains the how-to information for how to use data with CyVerse. For overview and getting-started information on using data and the Data Store, see Manage Data and Data Store on the CyVerse website.

Each user has access to 100 GB of data storage, with the ability to request more allocation. Learn all about our data allocation policy here.

When you are granted access to a CyVerse service, you are automatically added to the service's mailing list. Default CyVerse mailing lists include the Data Store, Discovery Environment, and Atmosphere, as well as community developers and Foundation API developers. Once subscribed, you receive emails about maintenance periods and outages. You also can post messages to other list users, opt to receive list messages in batch or single emails, change your subscription email and password and other options, browse the list archives, unsubscribe from the list, and more. For information on subscribing to CyVerse mailing lists, see Subscribing to CyVerse Mailing Lists.

Want to download data but don't have a CyVerse account?

We offer several ways to access some data that has been made public with all users—even if you don't have an account. For instructions on how to use each access method, see Downloading Data Files Without a User Account.

Want to know what access methods you can use?

Access methods include:

  • CyVerse Data Commons (formerly Mirrors) repositories: Web-based access for downloading community released data and CyVerse curated data. No installation or setup required. See Data Commons Overview and Status.
  • Cyberduck: GUI-based application that is good for downloading files very large files or bulk downloads (>10 GB) to Mac OS and Windows (not for LINUX). Requires installation and configuration to connect to the Data Store. See Using Cyberduck for Uploading and Downloading to the Data Store.
  • iCommands: Command-line access for files 2-100 GB files. Best choice for large files (2-100 GB each) and for bulk file transfers (many small files). Requires setup and configuration. See Using iCommands.

Click here to check your upload and download speeds.

Want to know about how to connect to the Data Store?

See Manage Data on the CyVerse website.

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