RMTA v2.1
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Rationale and background:
RMTA is a workflow that can rapidly process raw RNA-seq Illumina data by mapping reads using HiSat2 and then assemble transcripts using either Cufflinks or Stringtie. RMTA can process Fastq files containing paired-end or single-end reads. Alternatively, RMTA can directly process one or more sequence read archives (SRA) from NCBI using an SRA ID.
RMTA minimally requires the following input data:
- Reference Genome (FASTA) or Hisat2 Indexed Reference Genome (in a subdirectory)
- Reference Transcriptome (GFF3/GTF/GFF)
- RNA-Seq reads (FASTQ) - Single end or Paired-end or NCBI SRA id or multiple NCBI SRA id's (list in a single column text file).
- A CyVerse account. (Register for a CyVerse account here - user.cyverse.org)
- Mandatory arguments
- Hisat2 reference genome: Select at least one of the below three options for the indexing of the Reference Genome
- Custom Reference genome
- Select reference genome from the list
- Hisat2 Indexed folder
- Hisat2 reference annotation: Select at least one of the below two options for using as annotation
- Custom Reference annotation
- Select reference annotation from the list
- Paired-end reads
- FASTQ Files (Read 1): Input reads 1 file of paired-end data
- FASTQ Files (Read 2): Input reads 2 files of paired-end data
- Single-end reads
- single end FASTQ files
- SRA ID: Single SRA id that you want to use
- File containing SRA id's: Multiple SRA's that you want to use
- Cufflinks/Stringtie: Only one of the below two options needs to be checked. Cannot select both
- StringTie
- Cufflinks
- Coverage cut-off threshold: Select from 0-5
- FPKM cut-off threshold: FPKM cut-off you want to use to filter the transcripts
- Cuffmerge: Run Cuffmerge for Stringtie/Cufflinks gtfs (Only works with more than one sample files)
- Hisat2 reference genome: Select at least one of the below three options for the indexing of the Reference Genome
- Advanced options
- Phred quality score: encoding for quality score: Phread64 (Default is Phred 33)
- Fragment Library Type: specify the format of the library either FR, RF, F, R etc.
- Trim bases from 5' end of read: Trim bases from 5' (left) end of each read before alignment
Trim bases from 3' end of read: Trim bases from 3' (right) end of each read before alignment
- Minimum intron length: Set minimum intron length
- maximum intron length: Set maximum intron length
The following test data are provided for testing RMTA in here - /iplant/home/shared/iplantcollaborative/example_data/RMTA
- Reference Genome: Sorghum_bicolor.Sorbi1.20.dna.toplevel_chr8.fa
- Reference Annotation: Sorghum_bicolor.Sorbi1.20_chr8.gtf
- left_reads- sample_1_R1.fq.gz
- right_reads-sample_1_R2.fq.gz
- Stringtie
- Fragment Library Type: FR
Leave the rest as default
Successful execution of RMTA will generate two output folders
- Index: This folder consists of the index of the genome
- Output: This folder consists of the output from Hisat2, Stringtie and Cuffcompare (Please refer to the manual for the explanation of outputs from these individual programs)