Launching a New Instance

Launching a New Instance

Atmosphere provides a number of images you can use for launching an instance. You can select from a list of featured, favorite, and all images, sorted by list view or grid view. You also can search for an image by image name, tag, and description.

You can launch an instance either from a project or from an image. You may want to learn more about instances and instance size.

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  2. In Atmosphere, launch the instance either from a project or from the Images list:
    • To launch from the Projects list:
      1. Click Projects on the menu bar.
      2. If you have not already created at least one project or want to attach the instance to a different project, create a new project (an instance must live in a project).
      3. Click to open the project containing the instance to launch.
      4. Click New and then click Instance. The Select an Image window opens.


      5. To search for an image, click in the search field at the top, and then enter the image name, tag, or description, or scroll through the list.
      6. Click the image to use.
    • To launch from the Images list:
      1. If you have not already created at least one project or want to attach the instance to a different project, create a new project (an instance must live in a project).
      2. Click Images on the menu bar.
      3. Click the image name to use.
      4. Click Launch.
      5. To search for an image, click in the search field at the top, and then enter the image name, tag (displayed in green under the image name), and description; or scroll through the list.
  3. In the Launch an Instance / Basic Options screen:
    1. Enter the name for the instance.
    2. Select the base image version of the image to use.
    3. Select the project.
    4. Select the provider to use.
    5. Select the instance size.

      Start small

      Start with the smallest size until you know for certain what size you need for that image.

    6. View the resources the instance will use and adjust the size as needed.
    7. If you do not want to add a deployment script, click Launch Instance.
  4. To add a deployment script that executes when the instance is launched, click Advanced Options.
    In the Advanced Options screen, either:
    •  Select an existing script:
      1. Select the script to add from the drop-down list.
      2. Repeat for each script to add.
      3. To remove a script, click the to the right of the script name.
        To start over, click Restore Default Options and edit as needed.
      4. Click Continue to Launch.
    • Create a new script:
      1. Click Create a New Script.
      2. Enter the script title.
      3. Select either:
        • URL and enter the script URL.
        • Full Text and enter the full text.
      4. Click Continue to Launch. The script will be displayed in the instance details.
      5. Either:
        • Save the script and add to the instance by clicking Save and Add Script.
        • Edit the script and start over by clicking Restore Default Options and edit as needed.
        • Cancel the script by clicking Cancel Create Script.
  5. In the Deployment Scripts window, review the details and then click Launch Instance.

The instance is added to the project's Instances list and you can view its status as it is being launched. Once the status is Active you may begin using it. It may take up to 30 minutes for the instance to be accessible. Refresh the window to see if your instance status has changed to Active. Once Active, you will receive an email with the instance ID and IP address.

After the instance is launched

Ask CyVerse gives answers to questions from other users about Atmosphere, such as How long to get a new instance?

When done with the instance, you should   suspend, stop, or delete  it. If necessary, you also can reboot the instance.

To request that your instance be made into an image to reuse and share, see Requesting an Image of Your Instance.

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