


Michael Gonzales, Karla Gendler, Joe Felsenstein, Jeremy Beaulieu, Brian O'Meara, Nicole Hopkins


  • Progress on Seedling
  • Progress on wrapping Contrast
  • Addressing some of Val Tannen's concerns (postponed until next meeting)


Introductions: Michael Gonzales is the new project manager for iPToL (email: mgonzales@tacc.utexas.edu) (takes over Karla's responsibilities in this area)

Clarifications: iPToL (iPlant Tree of Life group) is distinct from NSF Assembling the Tree of Life program (though both are funded from the NSF)

Item 1: Progress on Seedling

Hopkins reported that Iteration 0 for Project Seedling started last Monday and will conclude this Friday.  All progress can e tracked on the core software wiki.  Included in the scope of this project is the ability to upload, read, delete, and make modifications to a tree, with a focus on NEXUS and newick formatted files.  An additional user story is being created that will focus on Phylip.

The next project is Project Sapling and will include Phylip, and analysis such as as independent contrasts. 

Project Orchard has been proposed that will all the sharing of data between collaborators.

All three projects will compose the first release of software for iPlant and will hopefully be complete by February. 

Iteration 0 ends this Friday and there will a retrospective and planning meeting on Monday that everyone is invited to. 

Felsenstein pointed out that newick is used inside of NEXUS and thus if you get NEXUS working, newick will work within that.

Item 2: Progress on wrapping Contrast

Deferred until next meeting

Item 4: Open Discussion

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Meetings will move to bi-weekly schedule.