Moving Fields in Your App

At any time, you can move items and fields to a new position in the same or even to a different section. With the 1.8 release, this is easily done by dragging and dropping the item in the new position.

  1. Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
  2. In the middle section, click the header bar of the section containing the item to move.
  3. Move your pointer to the field label until it becomes a pointer and a blue box surrounds the field:
  4. Begin dragging the field.
    As you move the field, a checkbox in a green circle is displayed in locations to which you can move the field:
  5. Drop the field in the desired location.
  6. Repeat for each field to move.

    To move a field to a different section, drag and drop it to the new section and then move it to the desired location in that section.

  7. Click Preview and then click Preview App.
  8. When done, click Save.
Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.