Analyzing BisQue Data

Analyzing BisQue Data

BisQue data analysis is performed using different modules, which have been registered with Bisque.

  1. Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
  2. Click Analyze at the top of the screen. 
  3. In the module list, select the module to use.
    The Help and workflow panel for the module opens on the right side of the screen.
  4. Complete the required fields for the module. See the Help and workflow panel on the right for detailed instructions.
  5. In the Run algorithm section, click Run to execute the analysis. Text on the button changes as the analysis progresses to completion.
  6. When completed, view the results in the Results section.

Exporting analyses results

To export the results of a table of results to your machine in CSV (if you want to analyze or massage it in Excel) or XML (if you want to use post-processing software for further analysis) format:

  1. In the Results section of the Analyze module, click Export.
  2. Specify either CSV or XML.
  3. Click OK to save the file.

Viewing analysis results

In addition to viewing the results in the Results section, as outlined above, you can view results at any time.

  1. From the Image Repository home page, click the Analysis tab in My Recent Stuff:
  2. Select the analysis whose results you want to view.


Graphical objects that are the results of multiple analyses on the same image can be viewed simultaneously in BisQue, with different analyses in different colors if so desired. To do so, right-click with two fingers on the analysis to be overlaid and then use the color bar that appears.


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