Downloading Resources from BisQue

There are several ways to download resources from BisQue to your local machine.

  • You can download a resource and its metadata from the resources window.
  • You can download multiple resources at once as a TARball, GZip archive, BZip2, or (PK)Zip archive from the Download window.

    You also can download resources from the iPlant Data Store using iDrop or iCommands.

Using the Browse window

This method is a quick way to download a single or small set of resources and their related metadata to a tar/zip file.

  1. Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
  2. Click Browse at the top of the screen.
  3. Click the resource type with the item to download.
  4. Click to switch to Edit mode.
  5. Click the resource to download.
  6. Hover over the item until the hand cursor is displayed:
  7. Click and then click Download.
  8. Specify the download location and click OK.

Opening the Download window

This method is useful when you want to download a large set of resources in a single group as a TARball, GZip archive, BZip2, or (PK)Zip archive.

  1. In BisQue, click Download.

Downloading a directory

  1. In the Download window, click next to Add images and then click file.
  2. Click the Files tab:

    The directories list is displayed:
  • iplant_home: Corresponds to iPlant/home/user_name/bisque_data.

    Anything you upload now to the iplant_bisque directory shows here; however, files that were uploaded prior to this release will not be displayed unless you move them into a file in Bisque.

Downloading images

  1. In the Download window, click Add images.
  2. Select the images to download and then click Select at the bottom.
  3. Click next to Download at the bottom and select the download type.
  4. Click OK, specify the save location, and click Save.

Downloading files, mex files, or templates

  1. In the Download window, click!DownloadIcon2.png|border=1! next to Add images.
  2. Click either file, mex, or template.
  3. Select the items to download and then click Select at the bottom.
  4. Click next to Download at the bottom and select the download type.
  5. Click OK, specify the save location, and click Save.

Downloading datasets

  1. In the Download window, click Add dataset.
  2. Click Grid layout at the top:
  3. Select the datasets to download and then click Select.
  4. Click next to Download at the bottom and select the download type.
  5. Click OK, specify the save location, and click Save.
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