Using Annotations

Using Annotations

Annotations — metadata or tags — are notes that are saved to the resource for easier identification and retrieval. For example, you can tag the resource with information such as its genus or species name, the geographic coordinates, treatments, growth stages, photographer names, or study names.

You also can import annotations from datasets, files, images, mex files, stores, templates, and users, and export the annotations list as XML or CSV. You also can nest annotations to create a tree structure.

This method is useful when you are manually scoring traits or importing a template so it will be applied to an image. It is still advised that you start with a template and edit the value instead.

Note that you should not rename a resource using the BisQue interface since the change will not be communicated back to the Data Store; instead, rename the resource in the DE or via iCommands.

Opening the Annotations tab

  1. If necessary, log in to Bisque.
  2. Click Browse at the top of the screen and then click image.
  3. Click the image to annotate (the mode button will be ).
  4. In the Metadata panel on the right, verify the Annotations tab is displayed on the right.

Adding an annotation

Only string (text) annotations can be added directly to an image. To add a different type of annotation, see Creating and Managing Metadata Templates.

  1. Click Add on the toolbar.
  2. Enter or edit the annotation:

    To nest an annotation, select the annotation under which you want to place the new one and then click Add.

    • To enter a new name, click in the Name field and enter a name, and then either click in the Value field and enter a new value, or double-click and select an existing one.
    • To select an existing name, click in the Name field and select a name from the drop-down list, and then either click in the Value field and enter a new value, or double-click and select an existing one.
  3. Click Update.

Deleting an annotation

  1. In the Annotations list, click in the row of the annotation to delete.
  2. Click Delete and then click to close the notification.

Importing an annotation

  1. In the Annotation tab, click Import.
  2. Click the resource type to import.
  3. In the list, click to select the resource to import. The annotations for that resource are added to the bottom of the Annotations list.

Exporting an annotations list

  1. In the Annotation tab, click Export and then click either as XML or as CSV.
  2. Click Choose and save the file.
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