Genome-wide Association Studies using the Discovery Environment
Rationale and background:
GWAS refers to analysis of the genomic architecture underlying a trait of interest.
Step 1: Run MLM Workflow
Locate the TASSEL 4.0.3 (MLM) Application under
Public Apps->QTL and GWAS->Models and Workflows
In the Select Input Data section click on the Browse button next to the Select Marker File. Locate the input files under
'Community Data'->iplant_training->advanced_gwas->input
and select the file named "mdp_genotype.hpm.txt".
In the list box labeled "Select marker file format" leave the value "Hapmap".
Repeat the same process for the trait file (mdp_traits.txt), the kinship (mdp_kinship.txt) and the population structure file (mdp_population_structure.txt).
In the Options section, select "PD3" from the variant component stimation and "Optimum" for compression.
Click the Launch Analysis button
Using FaST LMM
Step 1: Run a mixed model with FaST LMM
The genotype data for this exercise is located under
'Community Data'->iplant_training->advanced_gwas->fastlmm->input
Locate the FaST LMM App under
Public Apps->QTL and GWAS->Models and Workflows
In the Input Files section, click the "Browse" button next to the box labeled "Folder containing all input files". Navigate and select the input folder.
Type "MTDRY" in the box labeled "Base name for PLINK's .map and .ped files"
Filled launch window
In the section named General Options, change the value in the "Identifier for missing phenotype values" box from "-9" to "0".
Click the Launch Analysis button.
Step 2: Plot the results
Locate the application "Fast LMM Results Plotter"
Click on the Browse button next to the box labeled "Select FastLMM output file" and locate the output folder of the FaST LMM analysis. Select the file named "output-main.txt"
Click the Launch Analysis button